"Forget the “Twisted” part when describing Jen and Sylvia Soska, you can now add sexy geeks as well when describing these two awesome women. Fresh after their first appearance at the San Diego Comic Con where they talked about their film “American Mary“, plus showed off their cosplaying skills for the first time at the con as well. Comic Book Divas talks with Jen and Sylvia Soska about movies, comics and cosplay."Grade five was a changing point in my young life. It was the time that I was first told by my teacher what I could and could not read. Two loves of my life came under fire - my Stephen King books that I would read, discuss the content with my mom, then watch the movie, and my comic books. Mr. King's books where deemed 'too inappropriate' and my comics were 'not real stories'. Both counts were bullshit and I had to sneak in my reading.
Even then, I knew about Comic Con and Jen and I would talk about how cool it would be to one day go to a place where people shared interests and no one judged one another on what they loved. This past Comic Con that dream became a reality and the San Diego Comic Con was even greater than I could have imagined. We were lucky enough to get the opportunity to talk to Comic Book Divas about that experience and about our filmmaking world.
Q: We talked a little bit about San Diego Comic Con; this was your first time attending the huge event, what did you think about the convention?

S: This was our first Comic Con experience. I’ve creeped on the event online through pictures, reviews, blogs, and videos on the event, but absolutely nothing could prepare me for what the event actually was. It was so incredibly happy and people were just wearing their love of the genres on their sleeve. I’m a big comic, film, and gaming nerd – so having the opportunity to hang out with so many people with the same interests is remarkable. I actually felt withdrawal when it was over. I also caught the ‘nerd flu’ but it’s a small price to pay for what was one of the best times of my life.
J: It was so much more than we expected. We had dreamed of attending for years. We had expectations. High ones, but it blew us away. We stepped into the exhibition hall on preview night and were just floored with the massiveness of it all. Kevin Smith said it best in the Comic Con documentary, “A Fan’s Hope”, Comic Con is where you find everything you’ve ever loved and thought you lost.” It’s like dying and coming back and trying to describe what Heaven was like. There are no words. It’s too much everything. And the people are just so warm and kind. It’s unlike anything. I can say we’ll never miss another.
I'd like to thank Jeff Hughes for taking the time to chat with us. You can check out the whole piece here where we talk about filmmaking, aspirations, trouble we get into, getting into comics with the very cool First Comics, and so much nerdiness that you can shake a stick at it (I think that is a phrase, but who the hell knows?).
Big thank you to everyone who checks out this blog and keeps up to date with what we are up to regularly and to you new guys that were all like 'twisted twins, what's that?' and are taking a boo or two around here. Welcome to our misadventures. Glad to have you!
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