The horror scene is made up of a lot of incredibly rad individuals - we all have our love of horror in common - so, it's only natural to meet some folks that you can't help but totally dig. We had the film, 'Dead Hooker in a Trunk' reviewed by Scott Shoyer earlier this month (read his review here, read our blog about it here) and we loved his review. It was an extreme pleasure to get into the nitty gritty of Hooker in a sweet interview we were invited to do with Scott. How sweet was the interview? Here's a yummy bit --
"AH: I wanna thank you on behalf of all my readers and on my behalf for doing all the special f/x practically, using no CGI. The f/x looked great and were really effective. How did you find it working with special f/x? Did it make the production more difficult? Would you ever consider using CGI in the future?
Jen: Oh, no. Thank YOU! I feel that filmmakers owe a service to their audience. Without an audience and fans, we’d be nowhere. We really hate CGI. Even when it’s well done and there’s a big budget set aside for it, it really takes you out of the film. I hated the CGI in the HULK movies. Why oh why didn’t they try something practical for the remake/sequel. It’s insulting to the audience.
Aside from Gondry, the film that really blew us away for effects was THE THING (remake). The way they used an amputee for the stomach eating arms bit was breath taking! There is no substitute for the real deal. JACOB’S LADDER was also great for that. I have great respect and admiration for Prosthetic Artists. The things they make, it’s unbelievable. Just to think they could dream up some nightmare of a creature and then make it the next day is incredible. I want to do effects practically as much as possible. CGI would be a last resort. I’d consider cutting the effect from the film before doing it CGI."
But, Sylv - you say, What was your answer? It's here with all the entirety of the fucking fabulous and in depth interview. We discuss the process and the team that came together to make the film possible a lot in this interview, so check it out. It takes a lot of good people to make a hooker be her best!

Thank you to Scott for taking the time to chat with us about the film. Looking forward for those drinks when we hit up Texas. It's been a goal to get down there for a visit and hang out with the State's incredibly cool inhabitants. I've got a feeling the Hooker might be in town very soon...
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