The dead prostitute is at it again, showing up at reviewers' homes (probably in something scandalous). We were fortunate enough to have avid horror and comic fan and reviewer extraordinaire, Brian Kirst, take the time to watch 'Dead Hooker in a Trunk' and give his thoughts. Who is Brian Kirst aka The Big Gay Horror Fan? Let me introduce you in his own words -
"I am a queer writer - cofounder of Racks and Razors - a horror site devoted to women, a member of and frequent writer for Horror Society.com. I am also the host of Horror Society Live every Wednesday night."
He has biting wit and intellect in his work. If you want to check out a fresh, smart take on horror reviews you should definitely check out his work on Horror Society and his personal blog, queerfearscarewithatwist. What did he have to say about the film? Here's a little delicious piece --
"Like the perfect combination of a hard balled femme Tarantino and a grape kiss-me pump sporting Eli Roth, these adventurous gals have created a world where a bouncing eyeball, a ripped off arm or a picturesque visit from a hipster god doesn’t stop their characters from achieving their ultimate goal – finding out just who exactly is trying to frame Badass (Sylvia), Geek (Jen), Junkie (Rikki Gagne) and Goody Two-Shoes (C. J. Wallis) by placing a murdered whore in the trunk of Badass’ car."
Ok, now go read the whole thing and be happy that you did! Brian, thank you for the lovely writeup. You are a friend to dead hookers everywhere.

In other, slightly related news, it's the Vancouver Pride Parade tomorrow! The route is from Robson St, to Denman St, to Beach Ave. There's going to be all sorts of rad festivities and a beer garden for the grown ups. Come out and support people's right to love one another without pathetic medieval hate. Now is a time to be socially responsible and show our support for one another. In years, we'll look back at this time and be proud to have stood beside one another - and how many times can you do something so important and have a fucking rad time? See you there!
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