Hello, dear friend(s) of Twisted Twins and Dead Hookers everywhere!
Due to popular demand, we will, for one night only, be screening the film, DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK, in the city where it all started, beautiful Vancouver. The screening will be at 9pm sharp on August (appropriately) Friday the 13th at the gothic Rio Theatre with to be announced special guests, exclusive DHIAT and Twisted Twins merchandise, and a never before seen sneak preview of what's next from the Soska Sisters. Tickets will be $10 and available through us (info@twistedtwinsproductions.net).
Your help and support getting the word out on this event would mean the world to us and we would be eternally grateful for any mention or promotion of this event. In addition, we will happily supply the preview of our upcoming project after the screening.
Thank you for all your continued support of us and our work!
Bloody Best,
Your friendly neighborhood twisted twins,
Jen and Sylv
Monday, July 26th, 2010
The film that's been blowing away audiences at film festivals around the world makes it's Vancouver debut at the gore~geous Rio Theatre!
The Rio Theatre, Vancouver, BC, Canada July 26th, 2010, 9pm SHOWTIME --
"You should check out the Soska Sisters, who made a film called Dead Hooker In A Trunk. They're on MySpace. They made it low budget and it's fucking awesome. It's really violent and the stunts are superb. They are two Canadian twin sisters who made a feature that they wrote, produced, directed, and starred in. And it's fantastic."~Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever)
After traveling the world, winning multiple awards, and appearing in numerous film festivals, film makers known best as the Twisted Twins, Jen and Sylvia Soska, bring their critically acclaimed, underground sensation DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK back to the city that started it all, beautiful Vancouver. For one night only, the film will be showing for the first time open to the public. The film has been demanded by fans to be brought back to the city where it was created and the Soska Sisters couldn't be happier to, at long last, give the people what they want!
Audiences can get their fill of the film that's been wowing audiences, festivals, and reviewers everywhere on August, Friday the 13th at the beautiful and gothic Rio Theatre located at 1660 East Broadway, 9pm SHOWTIME. Sharp. Tickets are a mere $10 and can be purchased through the Twisted Twins. You can contact them through their site, http://www.twistedtwinsproductions.net/, or by emailing them directly at info@twistedtwinsproductions.net.
The venue is, yes, licensed, ladies and gentlemen. In addition to a nicely equipped bar, there will also be exclusive Twisted Twins and Dead Hooker In A Trunk merchandise for sale, to be announced Special Guests, Cast and Crew present, and a special, never before seen sneak preview of what's coming up next from the Twisted Twins!

DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK is a triumph in independent film making. In the vein of Robert Rodriguez and his infamous debut feature, El Mariachi, the Twisted Twins set out to make a film with little more than an unconventional idea, a ton of ambition, and a few dedicated friends. The result is a throw back to and revitalization of the glorious and gore~geous grind house films of the past.
Never backing down from a challenge, the Soska Sisters persevered despite overwhelming criticism that their vision was too grand, their action too complex, and their proposed budget was too modest to achieve such an ambitious goal. The result of their and their team's efforts is an underground sensation that is a beautiful blend of the best aspects of horror and action with a compelling story line and memorable characters.
"Dead Hooker In A Trunk" has unapologetic violence handled with whimsical humor and creative story telling. Their greatest ambition is that their film will inspire others to set out and make their own dreams happen for themselves, not just limited to film, but in any and every part of their lives.
"It's the most disturbing feel-good movie I've ever seen. Funny, violent, gory, unsettling, gratuitous, excessive, and kick-ass, the flick the Soska Twins have delivered is the unlikely combination of utterly derivative and wholly original. At various points, I was amazed, amused, appalled, grossed out, disgusted, delighted, confused, and restless - but never bored. It's nice to know that women can make a film that is as bizarre and fucked up as anything made by a male. It also disproves the conception that all Canadians are nice and normal."~Theron Neel, theronneel.com
So for ONE NIGHT ONLY, come down the Rio Theatre on August Friday the 13th and see the film that audiences and reviewers have been raving about!
~Hannah Neurotica, Ax Wound
"Insanely entertaining punk rock gritty mayhem by badass twins who know how to unfold a twisted tale."
~Andrew McQuade, Gorezone Magazine
"I was totally hooked by the dialogue and the sheer 'where-the-fuck-is-this-goingness' of it all."
~Keri O'Shea
"The Soska Sisters surely could re~ignite the horror-exploitation genre with their performance in their film and then some!"
"Sassy, hilarious, genuinely entertaining film making done with a genius cinematic eye. These chicks have bigger balls than the male auteurs they just put to shame. And they would probably flash them at you."~Elisabeth Fies, Bleedfest Film Festival
~Jeff Atencio, thejadedviewer.blogspot.com
"A cult classic in waiting and a hidden gem in indie film making. I was pleasantly surprised by the insanity of it all."
"This film delivers in every sense of the word; this is an extremely fun film that has witty dialogue, strong (female) characters, and enough “grindhouse” attitude to satisfy even the hardcore lover of exploitation flicks."~Scott Shoyer, anythinghorror.com
"To say Dead Hooker In A Trunk is a demure title for a film would be an understatement, and a flat out lie. It's a supremely polarizing title. You can assume you will either love it or hate it just from the heading. The point to be made is, Dead Hooker In A Trunk is one of the best films this year. From start to finish it holds its own. There's no pithy Diablo Cody dialogue or half-ass attempts at moral constitutions. It is a full on assault of your senses, eviscerating any stereotypes that may have sprouted from those unenthused over the title, Dead Hooker In A Trunk."~Kristy Jett, dreadcentral.com
~John Gholson, cinematical.com
"As entertaining as it is completely ridiculous."
~Peter Hall, horrorsquad.com
"Irreverent comedy perverted by a love for the red stuff and characters free from the shackles of civility and morality."

But, don't take their word for it. Come out and experience DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK for yourselves. Don't miss out on the night that everyone's going to be talking about!!
Jen and Sylvia Soska
Twisted Twins Productions
"Dead Hooker In A Trunk" is the debut feature film written, directed, and produced by identical twin film makers, Jen and Sylvia Soska. With little more than an unconventional idea, a few dedicated friends, and a whole lot of uncompromising ambition, they set out against the odds to make their dreams a reality.
Twisted Twins Productions is known for bringing audiences edgy dialogue, gore~geous effects, beautiful cinematography, and memorable characters, all for their viewing pleasure.
This is seriously going to be a blast.