Carl Sykes watches a lot of movies. Like a shit ton of movies. So, we were thrilled that our rotting, festering baby girl, our first-born, DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK made her sassy way onto his screen. What did he think? Did the dead whore hit the spot? Well...

"The film is a breath of fresh air in its originality; it sheds all genre clichés to offer an unpredictable, and for the most part entertaining ride. It's original ideas like this that sadly often get overlooked by film fans in place of the run-of-the-mill movies pumped out by the studio system, but if you take a chance on a little independent flick once in a while, you'll find a polished jewel amongst the dog turds."

Fucking yes, shit fuck crap, YES! The flick was a labor of love by a group of talented folks that came together for nothing to make its proposed insanity a reality. Click here for the whole piece and take a boo around for other reviews - you might find some gems that you haven't even heard of before!
Thank you so much for the amazing review guys, you ROCK! Carl.