Do you remember our friend Mike Snoonian from 'All Things Horror'? Go here for a refresher, but trust your friendly nieghbourhood twisted twins that he is incredibly rad. So rad, in fact, that if you are in the Boston area - thanks to him - can see 'Dead Hooker in a Trunk' for five bucks this September 1st. But that's not all. Five bucks usually can't get you a lot, but in this case, it gets a fucking sweet evening filled with rad films --
"All Things Horror is kicking of September with a positively insane lineup of movies. Our feature attraction comes to us from Canada. Maybe it's the easily available triple strong beer, but they've given us one demented thrill ride of a film in Dead Hooker in a Trunk. After a night of hard partying a pair of twin sisters and their friends wake up to find the spare tire is missing from the car, with the body of a dead hooker taking its place. What follows is a thrill ride of violence and mayhem which makes The Expendables look like a children's holiday special. Fans of 70's Grindhouse fare, Roger Corman flicks and beautiful women busting heads and kicking tons of ass will not want to miss this film.
We've also got three terrific short films. Side Effects shows what happens when an otherwise virtuous school girl resorts to pills in order to stay sharp for the SATS. If you only see one erotic tale of lesbian vampires using only dolls this year, make sure it's Taste of Flesh ,Taste of Fear. Finally, we have a local film Rubber Whore Hell rounding out the night. This is one of the more bizarre films of lust, betrayal and murder that we've come to love, and it features some sweet dance moves by a maniac in a rubber Halloween mask."

I have had the pleasure of seeing 'Side Effects' - the Audience Favorite winner at this past Viscera Film Fest - and 'Taste of Flesh, Taste of Fear' - another winner from Viscera - and these flicks are dark, fun, and a real viewing treat for you horror fans. Heck, drop ten bucks and share this event with a friend. Get your details here, girls and boys. Drop us a line after the show to let us know what you thought. We love to hear from you!
PS It's going to to be the 'All Things Horror' site's first anniversary the day before the screening! A very happy anniversary from us, keep up the wonderful, fucking awesome work. Oh, and for you Hooker fans, there will be giveaways and prizes to celebrate. Maybe you'll can get something hookeriffic!
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