What's more fun than a DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK? A Drunken Zombie Film Festival!! How can you get even more wicked awesome than that? Bring the two together! And that, boys and grrls, is exactly what we have in store for you!! The Drunken Zombie Film Festival is an annual horror film festival held in Peoria, IL. It's taking place from November 5th to 7th. Our beloved DHIAT will be playing on the 6th.

Is your Spider Sense tingling? It SHOULD be, 'cuz the 6th is also when Dead Hooker will be rocking over in San Diego at the Horrible Imaginings Horror Film Festival!! Two simultaneous DEAD HOOKER showings? 6 must be our lucky number...
We couldn't be more excited for this festival! A very special thanks to Bryan Wolford and everyone at the Drunken Zombie Film Festival for having our Hooker at their event! We're off to crack open a bottle and go dig up some corpses to celebrate. There's gotta be a zombie in there somewhere that wants to get hammered with us...
And as we grab our shovels with celebratory shots in hand, we leave you with this and our most humble gratitude...
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