It's been said before, boys and grrls, but I mean it every bloody time!
Something wicked this way comes... this time, to San Diego. I dare say, something HORRIBLE is on the way... horribly awesome and terribly fantastical. And, yes, those are all real words (copyright of Twisted Twins Productions).
No, no, it's not the highly anticipated sequel to Dr. Horrible and his sing along blog, though that WOULD be pretty nifty.
And it's not San Diego's Comic Con, but I do believe y'all can strap on your tights if you really want to... I'm looking at you, boy wonder.

It's something special and it's the very first one ever. It's San Diego's first ever horror film festival, The Horrible Imaginings Horror Film Festival!! And DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK will be there with bells on! Brain child of dear twisted twin friend and supporter, Miguel Rodriguez, of the deliciously wicked Monster Island Resort Podcast. Check it out...
"Bringing the FRIGHT to San Diego! One of this city's first (the first?) film festivals dedicated to the HORROR GENRE.
The mission of Horrible Imaginings is to spotlight horror and it's various subgenres. From psychological thriller, to noir, to complete mayhem, the power of horror is its inherent ability to take our fears and exploit them--either to help us face them, or to just help us appease our dark sides. The number of subge...nres is a testament to the creative power behind this dark genre.
Starting with the psychological fears:
Michael Powell's 1960 masterpiece, PEEPING TOM
Lis Fies's smart and thrilling THE COMMUNE
Brenda Fies's shocking short DISTRAUGHT
Christopher Smith's supernatural noir short "For Us"
Late Night Extreme mayhem!
Fulci's stylish classic THE BEYOND
Jen & Sylvia Soska's grindhouse rollercoaster ride DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK
Chris LaMartina's gory high school slasher PRESIDENT'S DAY
Nicolas Simonin's atmospheric fright short DERAILED
Lis Fies's dark comedy CONSUMED
Including a terrifying artwalk, refreshments, and rooftop after party! Let's make this a success--San Diego needs some scares!"
More news on this wicked awesome event to come, including a little SOMETHING SPECIAL from your Friendly Neighborhood Twisted Twins and, heck, we very likely may even be there in the flesh!! Stay tuned, boys and grrls!
See you there!!
Hey, Neil! Wanna be my date?

Is that a yes?
Words can't express how much I adore you right now!!!!