What the Boston Phoenix has to say is...

Get your finest off the hangers and get a crisp five dollar bill out of your wallet - 'Dead Hooker in a Trunk' plays at ALL THINGS HORROR'S Five Bucks for a Night of Indie Horror Event TONIGHT!! Show starts at 8pm at the Somerville Theater (55 Davis Sq) and Hooker will be playing with three fantastically fukt short flicks - 'Side Effects', 'Taste of Flesh, Taste of Fear', and 'Rubber Whore Hell'. Looks like it's going to be a rad night! Please let us know what you think of the show, we'd love to hear from you all, girls and boys!

Also, it's a very special anniversary as All Things Horror celebrates its first. I think these fine gents are the bees knees and couldn't be happier for them! Mike, Chris - congratulations and keep up the fabulous work. Here's to a great screening and many more years of cool reviews and events to come!
~Jen and Sylv
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